Monday, January 2, 2012

An introduction and then some...

An introduction post! Wonderful! I don't know how you came to stumble across my humble little site, but I assure you I will do my utmost to keep you entertained. I don't plan on this blog having any sense of direction, it will not be a strictly based on cooking, movies, books, music or any other sort of thing, but rather it will have bits and pieces on all those topics. 

Now, about me - if you're interested. I'm no one of import, but I do like to think I have a fair few interesting stories. A 20-something year old woman with interesting stories, you say? Impossible! No, no, I assure you, my life has been quite easy going for the most part, but I have had a few tales to tell - but all in good time. I can't have this all about me, now, can I? My name and age are not that important, but for politeness sake I will introduce myself as Bro, and that is how I will refer to myself. Silly, yes, but it's a nickname that has stuck with me for a couple years. 

Now! Onto the blogging! Anyone that knows me knows that I enjoy being scared. While you may not know me, you will, if you continue to come to this little site. I've had a morbid curiosity about fear ever since I was a little girl and I sat up late at night hiding under the kitchen table, watching the horror movies on the television in the other room. I'd hold my breath, heart racing, trying not to make any noise, lest I be caught - I never feel more alive than when I'm scared. And I love it. As such, I dive into the deepest, darkest, scariest things I can get my claw-like fingers on and just totally immerse myself in it. Movies, stories, shows... anything that can bring a little tingle of nervousness to a full-fledged, palm-sweating, heart pounding fear. 

I don't know about you, reader, but the things that cause the most fear in me aren't horrible beasties or ghoulies or other atrocities like that, but things that could actually happen, the realness of the evil in serial killers, or psychos hit just a bit harder because... what if it happened to you? 

Of course other things frighten me, Slenderman or zombies are my two irrational fears that haunt my dreams. But violence for the sake of violence, evilness for the sake of evilness, no rhyme nor reason to it - that can chill a man to the bone. Sure, mothman is scary, but what's really terrifying is the nonsensical destruction psychopaths can wreak on a person and his family. 

One movie in particular stands in my mind: Funny Games. 
Such a non-threatening title..

Funny Games. A quaint family goes for a trip up to their cabin for a nice get away. Nothing can go wrong, right? Of course not, it's a soul-crushing movie that leaves a sour taste in your mouth. Everything starts going wrong with eggs. What I learned from this movie is, when a clean, proper, white-gloved clad stranger asks for eggs, give them the damn eggs, or he'll break your leg with a 9-iron. 

Nothing says sinister like a polo.

I won't go into detail about the movie, ruining it for those who have yet to see it, but I will say this: It's violence for the sake of violence. There is no reason this family was targeted other than the fact they were there, and it might have been amusing to the psychopathic antagonists, Paul and Peter. If you haven't seen it, I strongly recommend it. It's the type of movie you love to hate. Or, hate to love. If you're twisted like me, then you'll enjoy showing it to other people and watching them squirm as the scenes unfold.

Now that I've successfully filled this page up with text, I will do the graceful thing and make a clean wrap up. I expect to update this blog frequently, so check back often, I'm sure you'll find something you will like eventually. 

Before I leave, I want to ask you readers a question:
What scares you? Think about it, and leave me a comment. I'd love to know.

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